
A Better Jones

Don't just survive adversity. Transform it into fuel for your growth. Use life's inevitable challenges to evolve into a better version of you. Braver, stronger, and smarter.

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🏔 ABJ: I found a confidence shortcut

Hello Reader, I’ve discovered the shortcut to building confidence. I knew this was a big part of my journey from fearful to fierce, but I’m realizing, I’m not the only one. Over the last year, I’ve seen it work for dozens of people. It’s not easy, but it works. What is it? Sharing your story. Creating content online. Building a personal platform. This work transforms people. I’ve seen it over and over again. It’s fascinating really. Because people don’t start this work to build confidence. In...

the radical act of desire

Hi Reader, I have felt a shift within me. A switch was flipped and I've started doing something that makes me feel like a rebel, like I am committing a radical act and should gasp at the mere idea of it. I decided, for the first time in my life, that wanting something is reason enough to pore my heart and soul into it. After a lifetime of feeling like I needed to justify my desires, back-up my actions, and have an unassailable reason for doing anything, suddenly, I have started chasing dreams...

How I learned to be grateful for my tears

I remember sitting in front of the TV, watching something that should make me smile, but instead, weeping. And I wondered, “Was something wrong with me?” I’ve always been a crier, but something shifted as I recovered from my dog attack. (If you don't know what I'm talking about a Twitter thread summary, a newsletter reflection or an episode of my podcast where I talk about it) Once I felt like I was on the other side of the acute trauma recovery, I realized I was crying often at happy things....

if you want to make more money in 2024

Hey Reader, Money can’t buy happiness, but when you don’t enough, it sure guarantees stress. I've been thinking a lot about the feast-or-famine days of my business in years past. And why things are so different now. And I’ve had a LOT of conversations with entrepreneurs who want 2024 to be different. More money More freedom Less stress Less frustration In every conversation, the same 5 issues came up over and over again. And they’re the same challenges I’ve seen in my 6+ years coaching and...

Pricing for Affordability and recovering from trauma

Hello Reader— I know this time of year can be fraught with a lot of challenge — from family pressures to reflecting on the past year. I hope you're getting the support you deserve and preparing to enter the new year with an open heart and a fire in your belly. This week's Ask Kasey covers two big topics: Pricing as an entrepreneur and recovering from trauma to be able to perform at a higher level. Watch my video answer here. Dear Shruthi — This is one of the most common questions I get,...

Hey Reader, One single moment led to the end of my first marriage. Yes, there were millions of signs before then and a million after, but one moment created a cascade of realizations and decisions that changed everything. The domino effect still amazes me. I won’t share all the backstory and details here (if you want more context, you can watch a TikTok series I did). But suffice it to say, I had had an emotionally draining doctor’s visit and was upset. But it was my 3rd wedding anniversary,...

Introducing: Ask Kasey

Hey Reader, I want to make a confession about a guilty pleasure of mine. To start off, I don’t really believe in guilty pleasures. There are very few things in life that deserve my guilt. And nothing that deserves my shame. But seriously, for a long time, I tried to deny myself this pleasure. It felt too frivolous and I spent way too much of my time on it. So what is it? It’s the subreddit, Am I the Asshole. For the unfamiliar, it’s basically a crowd-sourced advice column, but where the...

The most critical step to get what you want

Hello Reader— There is one practice that has made the biggest difference in my life, my happiness, and my growth: Self-reflection. It didn’t come naturally to me, even though it took a long time to realize that. I’m a thinker by nature. For as long as I can possibly remember, I have been a seeker—of information, knowledge, and insight. However, a desire to learn does not necessarily equate to regular self-reflection. In fact, in many cases, it’s the opposite. It was in mine. It took 40 years...